California allows Hexagon’s ultra-high-pressure composite vessels for hydrogen ground storage installations

сент. 24, 2019 - Press Release

Hexagon has been granted approval for its ultra-high-pressure hydrogen ground storage tanks by the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (CalOSHA).

The approval allows Hexagon’s 1034 bar (15,000 psi) composite pressure tanks to be used as hydrogen ground storage in California. These pressure vessels are typically used as the high-pressure bank in hydrogen refueling stations. After vehicles with 700 bar tanks are filled from the medium storage (~500 bar) the 1034 bar tanks will ensure the top filling up to 700 bar.

“We are glad to see the supplier base of hydrogen ground storage equipment expanding particularly for the California market,” said Tim Brown, Chief Operations Officer of FirstElement Fuel, the market leader for hydrogen refueling stations in North America. “The introduction of such a lightweight product as this one can be especially useful in urban settings where equipment footprint is critical. Lightweight tanks can be installed above grade; for example, above the hydrogen compression equipment, above the convenience store, or above the gas island canopy, thus saving real estate.”

“The CalOSHA approval is a leap forward for hydrogen station applications,” said Hartmut Fehrenbach, Vice President Hydrogen Distribution of Hexagon Purus. “The 20-year life provides ample time to generate a positive rate of return on one’s investment. Having only one requalification test during the life of the tank is valuable to station operators in terms of saving money and downtime.”

These tanks have been in service as ground storage at hydrogen stations in Europe and Canada for several years. Due to the Type 4 all-composite tank technology, this approval provides for a 20-year tank life, with only one requalification test required at year 15. This allows for minimized operating costs and maximized uptime.

These are the same pressure vessels that were recently permitted by the Department of Transportation, at 950 bar (13,775 psi), for moving hydrogen on American roadways, making them a multi-application product.

For more information:
Solveig D Saether, Communication Manager, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 906 34 977 | [email protected]

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Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.

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