Hexagon Composites ASA - interim results for 3rd quarter 2012

Oct 26, 2012

Hexagon Composites ASA achieved in the third quarter of 2012 a turnover of NOK 234.1 million (186.3) and an operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK 11.8 million (5.2). Operating profit (EBIT) was NOK -1.7 million (-10.6) and pre-tax profit was NOK -9.0 million (-10.1). The third quarter result is stronger than in the same period last year, but weaker than the previous quarter.

Important events in the group since the last interim report:

* The High-pressure business unit achieved record sales in Q3
* The product area for CNG passenger cars has been demerged from Ragasco AS and merged with Raufoss Fuel Systems AS effective from 1 October 2012
* Erik Espeset has resigned from the position as Group President in Hexagon Composites ASA to take up the position as Managing Director of Tafjord Kraft AS as of 1 January 2013

For more information:

Erik Espeset, Group President, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 90 52 00 33 | E-mail: [email protected]

Tor O. Husø, CFO, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 95 81 97 74 | E-mail: [email protected]

Solveig D. Saether, Communications Manager, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 906 34 977 | Email: [email protected]

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.