Committed to driving the energy transition

Hexagon Group delivers comprehensive clean fuel solutions, spanning CNG, RNG, propane, hydrogen, and electric systems. We're committed to facilitating our customers' transition to clean fuels, with sustainability at our core.

1 350 690

Metric tons of CO2e avoided


Of employees are dedicated to Innovation, R&D and World-Class Manufacturing


Nationalities within our workforce

Sustainability focus areas

Hexagon conducted a materiality analysis to identify and prioritize the most important and relevant sustainability topics throughout its value chain.

Managing our own impact

We actively work to reduce our direct climate, environmental and resource use impacts. Hexagon’s overall Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and climate goals will contribute to sustainable solutions, with zero harm to people or to the environment.

Responsible business

We take ethical, environmental, social, and governance issues into account in every business decision we make.

Annual and sustainability report 2022

Hexagon aims to create measurable, positive global impact in order to help driving energy transformation. The Sustainability Report 2022 provides details about our performance and governance of material sustainability topics.